Gatlinburg Sportsman's Club
Member's Only Ranges and Nonprofit
Welcome to the Gatlinburg Sportsman's Club
Gatlinburg Sportsman's Club is a members-only shooting club located off of King Branch Road in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
We administer a program of several outdoor sports activities, such as:
- Development of instructional seminars on the use and control of fishing and hunting equipment
- Education of youth on the use and control of hunting and fishing equipment and the legal use thereof
- Development of a variety of approved gun target practice ranges
- Providing law enforcement the means to practice and maintain firearm and certifications
- Rearing and stocking of fish in local streams
- Selected stocking of approved areas with upland game birds
- Supporting local 4H chapters, fishing contests, and other groups with sportsman and outdoor related activities
Interested in joining?
How to JoinRange #1: The Police Range
First range to your left as you enter the club. This range is for law enforcement use but is also open to members if no LEOs are present.
Range #2: Reactive Pistol Range
The second range to your right as you continue down the drive. This range is large and can accommodate many shooters at once.
Range #3: 100 Yard Rifle Range
The third range is on the left, past the Reactive Pistol Range.
Bear Alert
Please be cautious when visiting the property. We have had multiple bear sightings, particularly one mother bear with cubs. If you see them, please do not approach them. Read more about bear safety in the Smokies by visiting the GSMNP website and follow their advice.
Click Here to view a PDF of the property. The address is 1955 Treebeard Way. The electronic gate is installed and your Range Badge ID is required to enter.